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 Post subject: 1942 FP error
PostPosted: 20 Sep 2009 06:14 

Joined: 08 May 2008 02:47
Posts: 5
I'm using the syntax

fp.exe -f <server IP>

And I get the following message..:

- target   <server IP/Port>
- query server

- send query to port 14567
- send query to port 23000
- send query to port 22000
- set version 1000

  Player: ..
- activate demo compatibility
- set version 11000

  Player: ..
Error: Connection reset by peer

The only thing is its not a 1.61b server, its an older patch. Its NOT the demo though. Is there any way to manually set the version?

 Post subject: Re: 1942 FP error
PostPosted: 20 Sep 2009 10:35 

Joined: 13 Aug 2007 21:44
Posts: 4068
"Connection reset by peer" is a system message that means that the other port is close in that moment, that's happen when you send the UDP packet to the other host and if there are no firewalls on that port and there are no programs binding it, the remote system generates an ICMP packet sent back to you reporting the error.
anyway this icmp could be also forced to be generated through a firewall rule for stopping the receiving of a particular type of packet (for example to avoid a bug exploited with a specific packet)

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