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 Post subject: Changing your program's icon in gcc/mingw
PostPosted: 25 Jun 2009 20:19 

Joined: 16 Aug 2007 06:25
Posts: 367
The info below probably obvious to most of you programmers, but I am starting to learn C (and trying to get away from the Visual Basic crap) and just figured out how to change my console application's icon with mingw/gcc so I figured I would share:

1) Create a file with a single line on it like so: 1 ICON myicon.ico
2) Save the file as myicon.rc
3) Navigate to your mingw bin folder via the command line (like C:\MinGW\bin) and run the tool "windres.exe" like so: windres myicon.rc myicon.o
4) This will create a new myicon.o file that you can use with gcc during your compile.
5) Add "myicon.o" to your compile like so: gcc -o helloworld.exe helloworld.c myicon.o

Enjoy! Your application now has a cool icon of your choice. Better than the boring default 8).

Credits to fragglet for a more detailed article.

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