Luigi Auriemma (ARCHIVE-ONLY FORUM!)
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 Post subject: Compiling your l2enc code :P
PostPosted: 23 Oct 2008 02:47 

Joined: 24 Mar 2008 17:18
Posts: 5
Hey, I asked a long time ago about your blowfish decryptor for lineage 2 files...

Anyway, I tried just using your functions in Dev-C++, Visual C++ and Borland C++ Builder and all of them had issues...

So, I was wondering what you compiled your code with/on? O-o...

 Post subject: Re: Compiling your l2enc code :P
PostPosted: 23 Oct 2008 05:17 

Joined: 24 Sep 2007 02:12
Posts: 1114
Luigi uses mingw to compile. I also use mingw, after he suggested it.

 Post subject: Re: Compiling your l2enc code :P
PostPosted: 23 Oct 2008 07:15 

Joined: 24 Mar 2008 17:18
Posts: 5
Hey, I TRIED to use MingW but just got a buncha errors (same as the ones I got in borland C++ builder...)

MAYBE you can explain them to me... Maybe Not ><... If you can't, simply say "dunno" and I'll try my best to figure them out...

anyway, here are the errors :P.

(I got practically the same thing from mingw32-c++.exe and mingw32-gcc.exe...)

Unit13.cpp(82,7): error E2034: E2034 Cannot convert 'void *' to 'unsigned char *'
Unit13.cpp(83,19): error E2268: E2268 Call to undefined function 'std_err'
Unit13.cpp(86,17): error E2268: E2268 Call to undefined function 'unicode2char'
Unit13.cpp(97,30): error E2268: E2268 Call to undefined function 'lin2encbyte'
Unit13.cpp(103,23): error E2268: E2268 Call to undefined function 'xordata'
Unit13.cpp(103,23): error E2034: E2034 Cannot convert 'unsigned int *' to 'unsigned long *'
Unit13.cpp(103,23): error E2342: E2342 Type mismatch in parameter 'data' (wanted 'unsigned long *', got 'unsigned int *')
Unit13.cpp(122,10): error E2034: E2034 Cannot convert 'void *' to 'unsigned char *'
Unit13.cpp(123,24): error E2268: E2268 Call to undefined function 'std_err'
Unit13.cpp(130,74): error E2268: E2268 Call to undefined function 'lin2encbyte'
Unit13.cpp(135,17): error E2268: E2268 Call to undefined function 'char2unicode'
Unit13.cpp(136,56): error E2268: E2268 Call to undefined function 'std_err'
Unit13.cpp(139,49): error E2268: E2268 Call to undefined function 'std_err'
Unit13.cpp(141,23): error E2268: E2268 Call to undefined function 'xordata'
Unit13.cpp(141,23): error E2034: E2034 Cannot convert 'unsigned int *' to 'unsigned long *'
Unit13.cpp(141,23): error E2342: E2342 Type mismatch in parameter 'data' (wanted 'unsigned long *', got 'unsigned int *')
Unit13.cpp(143,66): error E2268: E2268 Call to undefined function 'std_err'

(I Don't suggest using the line numbers as references since it is a different outlay than regular xD.

 Post subject: Re: Compiling your l2enc code :P
PostPosted: 23 Oct 2008 11:54 

Joined: 13 Aug 2007 21:44
Posts: 4068
I suggest you to compile the .C as object first and then adding it to the g++ compilation, as in the following example:

gcc -c file.c
g++ -o myfile myfile.cpp file.o

I don't know g++ so much for suggesting you other solutions at the moment

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