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 Post subject: GH5 or WT or 6 DLC: howto EXTRACT mid.qb to chart or mid???
PostPosted: 21 Mar 2011 18:54 

Joined: 19 Mar 2011 10:38
Posts: 3
I have found every method to have both the .xma converted in .wav in XBOX360 files, or the .bik to wav in the WII version...
I would like to have the .charts to study them or to convert into rb for jtag xbox360...

Incredibly I can't find ANY method to have the charts from the mid.qb (wii) or from .qb (xbox360).
No one seems to know howto do...but RAWKSD can do it from the dvd of wii version!

The file are the same and effectively rawksd does some conversion that make .mid file from the qb files!

Why isn't it been published to make the simple step of converting qb files???

Do you know if there is a method otherwise rawksd, or the source code of the part of that program that makes possible this routine?

Please an help!

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