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 Post subject: CoD4 Game-Violations Unban.
PostPosted: 14 Sep 2010 19:14 

Joined: 30 Aug 2010 11:27
Posts: 28
Location: Greece
Hello Again... Its me.First of all I want a link or something like that to read the rules because I don't want to get banned from this website (I love it ).Here is a new Question.I have a couple of Cd keys for CoD4 v1.7.but all of them are banned from Game-violations .Is there any way to Unban my cd keys?The ban is Game-Violations Ban That's means PunkBuster ban.
1st;I restarted my modem as a result to change the I.P
2nd;I change name-Cd-Key ... #104175191

Greetz And waiting for an answer,

Tsirou @ Help

 Post subject: Re: CoD4 Game-Violations Unban.
PostPosted: 14 Sep 2010 23:01 

Joined: 24 Sep 2007 02:12
Posts: 1114
all it takes is to look around, rules are posted.
or usage of "search" can be very useful.


now what exactly IP or name has to do with cd-key ? if your cd-key is banned, then how can changing of ip or name unban you ?
you can not unban cd-key, unless you dont want to hack into their master servers and removed your cd-key from the list.
in that case you need to do lot of research on how computer security works.

 Post subject: Re: CoD4 Game-Violations Unban.
PostPosted: 16 Sep 2010 03:23 

Joined: 07 Aug 2008 06:01
Posts: 45
You can't ''unban'' your key unless you appeal to Punkbuster or go to a cracked server.

name, ip, wont mater for pbban, its the key/guid

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