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 Post subject: Q3Unban: Userinfostring length exceeded.
PostPosted: 06 Nov 2010 23:15 

Joined: 06 Apr 2010 20:44
Posts: 2
There is a server on this game that I have been banned from; when I use Q3Unban with suddpipe, I get the error message: "Userinfostring length exceeded. Try removing setu cvars from config." I have used this poc before on other servers and it has worked fine, however, on this specifc server I get the error message mentioned above. I have come to the conclusion that they have some form of defence against this poc, so I have come on here to ask whether or not there is a bypass or something I can do - to make this poc work with the current server I'm trying to access.

Game - Star Trek Voyager Elite Force

Thanks for taking time to read this post, I appreciate it. I hope you can help me, thanks again.

 Post subject: Re: Q3Unban: Userinfostring length exceeded.
PostPosted: 07 Nov 2010 16:52 

Joined: 13 Aug 2007 21:44
Posts: 4068
it can be something on the server that avoids the bug directly or indirectly.
for example, if I remember correctly, a side effect of the q3infofix patch was the limitation of the unban bug.
or it can be just my unban fix

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