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 Post subject: SA:MP Research, Resources thread and other tools I've made
PostPosted: 25 Jun 2011 04:28 

Joined: 25 Jun 2011 03:46
Posts: 6
A) Explanation:
I'm a die hard fan of SA:MP and I love new tools an ideas for it. I am always in constant research of this game is sort of an adiction so I created this thread to publish all my programs. Why here in Luigi's forums? Well because I learned first from Luig's sampfp.exe and continued researching further and making my own tools. I hope luigi likes the idea ah ah ah :P

B) Resources:

1.- How encryption works explained by Luigi
2.- General discussion about SA:MP sa-mp-t1779.html

C) SA:MP tools

1.- SA:MP joiner/copier 'bot' sa-mp-bot-copier-t1897.html

D) Want to research? You need:
Be calmed and don't get desperate
General programming skills specially C/C++ (PHP is very useful too)
Know about HEX and math.
Know how to use wireshark
Read the resources on this thread

E) Tools to research
Aluigi's Calculator (Can be found in
A lot of Luigi's tools are very useful

F) Credits
I want to thank Luigi for explaining me the basics.
N3ptun0 for having wild ideas and helping me to make cool stuff. for being the community of SA:MP for nearly two years and allowing me to test the SA:MP copier.

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