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 Post subject: Help with playerslimiter
PostPosted: 31 May 2009 11:10 

Joined: 31 May 2009 10:51
Posts: 1
Hi Luigi,

I'm having problems understanding how to work the windows version of your latest q3fill patch ( on Jedi Academy 1.00 @ the 1st part where it goes:

How to use:
- dump the beginning (NOT the whole) of the join packet to filter in
the packet.dat file which must be located in the folder of the game.
this is probably the most confusing part of the configuration because
not all the people know what is the join packet or how much of its
bytes are needed to dump, so I have included some examples like those
for the games based on the Quake 3 engine, Medalof Honor and
Battlefield 2/2142 (so if you want to test BF2 rename the file
bf2_bf2142_packet.dat as packet.dat and put it in the game's folder).

What do you mean by 'beginning and not the whole of the join packet'? Does that mean I have to open up something - the 'join packet' ? And what am I supposed to put in my server folder (I'm guessing Gamedata) quake3_packet or just the lone packet? :SSS

I've have no problems with the other steps as they are simpler, but I hope someone here can pretty much help me with it because as my username goes - I'm totally confused by the host of technical words going on here but I try because I rent a Jedi Academy server which someone is currently botting. I used to use q3playersperip but that prevented a lot of people from joining, including myself.

Also, I'm willing to let someone who's generally trusted here test my server for vulnerabilities...been getting untraceable crashes of late. I'm speculating one is a Forcestring crash, but I'm running on version 1.00 and Gamall's fix is for 1.01... Sorry for this OT, but I'm kinda desperate.

 Post subject: Re: Help with playerslimiter
PostPosted: 31 May 2009 13:53 

Joined: 13 Aug 2007 21:44
Posts: 4068
the beginning of the packet is practically that sequence of bytes which is usually the same for any client.
for example in the quake 3 engine each join packet is like "yyyyconnect ahsdfiaheofauwfyweghfwbhtl" so "packet.dat" must contains the first 11 or 12 bytes "yyyyconnect" (without " obviously, exactly like the quake3_packet.dat in because they are ever the same indipendently by the user or the password.

you can get the packet sniffing one or more connections with a sniffer like wireshark or proxocket.

the important thing is that packet.dat (that's the name which must have the file containing the beginning of the join packet), myproxocket.dll and ws2_32.dll (the one inside are inside the same folder of the game server's executable.

for the other question, personally I don't touch stuff which is not mine, it's not important if it's a requeste of the same admin.

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