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 Post subject: Halo 2 Vista .DTZ & Halo 3: ODST .MAP Music Extraction
PostPosted: 13 Sep 2009 00:09 

Joined: 11 Sep 2009 23:56
Posts: 23
Hi everyone again ;),

I have a question about Halo 2 Vista .DTZ extraction. These seem to be a compressed .map. .Map's can be opened and extracted by Gravemind 1.5. Gravemind 1.5 was supposed to have a DTZ decompressor but he messed up with the tool and that option didn't work, and he is unwilling to fix it. I don't have a DTZ file with me at the moment, but I'm just throwing this out in case anyone knows anything about how to decompress the DTZ's and I will get a DTZ up here as soon as I can.

I have a question about the map files of Halo 3: ODST as well. It uses the same engine as Halo 3. Ever since Halo 3 was released, there have been multiple programs made that can edit and extract meta tags from the map, but no programs that can actually extract the actual game data from the map. All the files in the map are headerless, and it is not possible to tell which files are music and which files are game data.

Here is a map from Halo 3: ODST:

If someone can take a look at these two games' archive files that would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you very much in advance!

Regards, Ben

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