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 Post subject: the hunter game help
PostPosted: 01 Nov 2009 18:56 

Joined: 19 May 2009 21:37
Posts: 36
I have extracted all the game archives with quickbms but all the files are ending with a .dat extension ? How can I edit then repack those files?

 Post subject: Re: the hunter game help
PostPosted: 01 Nov 2009 19:45 

Joined: 13 Aug 2007 21:44
Posts: 4068
I don't know, I only wrote the extractor and the archives of this game don't contain the names of the stored file

 Post subject: Re: the hunter game help
PostPosted: 02 Nov 2009 01:27 

Joined: 19 May 2009 21:37
Posts: 36
then without a unpacker for this .dat files is your bms script useless I think sorry to say that

 Post subject: Re: the hunter game help
PostPosted: 02 Nov 2009 14:02 

Joined: 24 Sep 2007 02:12
Posts: 1114
.dat is a data file, which in most of the cases contains plain text.
if not, then there is no way to 'decrypt' it. because game simply uses that kind of format to read data.
if you wish to edit a game which's .dat file is in binary, then you would have to reverse engineer whole game engine and understand how game reads the data from the file.

 Post subject: Re: the hunter game help
PostPosted: 02 Nov 2009 16:14 

Joined: 19 May 2009 21:37
Posts: 36
Sethioz wrote:
.dat is a data file, which in most of the cases contains plain text.
if not, then there is no way to 'decrypt' it. because game simply uses that kind of format to read data.
if you wish to edit a game which's .dat file is in binary, then you would have to reverse engineer whole game engine and understand how game reads the data from the file.

thanks for the info but unfortunitly all the extracted files are in .dat file extension and none of them is a plan text thats bad..

 Post subject: Re: the hunter game help
PostPosted: 03 Nov 2009 20:57 

Joined: 24 Sep 2007 02:12
Posts: 1114
uhm confused.
just to clarify did open .dat file with notepad++ right ? and inside you find some random data ? or you never tried to open them ?

what i mean is that it is not in CLEAR text, but most of the .dat file content is usually readable data. theres bunch of "NUL" strings, but there's still readable/editable data.
like in some strategy game's, .dat files contain stuff like unit costs, unit damage..etc.

 Post subject: Re: the hunter game help
PostPosted: 22 Mar 2010 01:59 

Joined: 19 May 2009 21:37
Posts: 36
actually my idee was to take the models out of the game .... but those all dat files, @luigi need to make another bms script for the hunter lol

 Post subject: Re: the hunter game help
PostPosted: 21 Oct 2010 01:27 

Joined: 19 May 2009 21:37
Posts: 36
Sethioz wrote:
uhm confused.
just to clarify did open .dat file with notepad++ right ? and inside you find some random data ? or you never tried to open them ?

what i mean is that it is not in CLEAR text, but most of the .dat file content is usually readable data. theres bunch of "NUL" strings, but there's still readable/editable data.
like in some strategy game's, .dat files contain stuff like unit costs, unit damage..etc.

well I have extracted the file of this game and it has bunch of 000xxx.dat files and all of them are 187kb so it looks for me like splited files donno . when I open the files inside with a text editor there is nothing you can read ..

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